Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Elissa Bassist

I’ve written books about two exes. My scientific memoir, “The Year of the Mite,” under the pen name Jane Ishka, is about the end of my marriage to the woman who raised infested baby chicks in our family home. If you read it, be prepared to itch. My first novel, “Brilliant Charming Bastard,” is a revenge novel in which a character based on another ex dies a very satisfying death. Satisfying to me, not to him. I’m a big believer in the revenge novel. Anything can happen on the page. Here’s my essay on the subject.


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I love this: "Anything can happen on the page."

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Elissa Bassist

Thanks for the good advice, however...

I wrote about by exBF and used his first name, photo and plenty of other details. If he wants to sue me I'll sell tickets to that trial. Everything I've written is true. I used the real names of folks who gave me permission to do so, and aliases for folks who I didn't ask.


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"If he wants to sue me I'll sell tickets to that trial" is so good I want to steal it (but I won't).

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You are welcome to it! 😄

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Just curious - you mention using aliases for people you didn’t ask, and real names for people who gave you permission. Did your exBF give permission?

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Nope. He was the exception

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My ex Fucktaco did give me permission to write whatever I wanted about him. He let me interview him about why he never loved me and publish the interview. Exes are unpredictable.

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Jun 25Liked by Elissa Bassist

Elissa! June 28 is not a Wednesday. It's a Friday. Is your class on Wed, June 26? Or Fri, June 28??

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Oops! It's WEDNESDAY, June 26th.

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I love this. I find it weird when writers try to get other people to co-sign their work written about them. Its such a weirdo co dependant thing. I think ultimately what ends up on the page isn’t always the “truth” and it doesn’t need to be, it’s art we’ve created to articulate our point. And like I say to any critic, if you don’t line it go make your own art 💃🏻

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Elissa - you ever come across a situation where someone tells you they don’t want something published and yet, you want to publish it?

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Great question. Someone asked me to take out some details that he didn't believe were true about him, and I did. It didn't affect the point I was making.

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